Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Opinion

I think The Breadwinner was pretty good. I thought it was pretty easy and I didn't like how the author ended it without describing what happens. I do know that there is a sequel to The Breadwinner so that made it more positive. I thought the author did a great job with the rest of the book though. I do suggest to read The Breadwinner

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Chapter 13-end

When she got home her mom told her that Nooria is going to be getting married. Parvana could not believe that her own sister was going to leave to get married. The next day she was going to leave to move to Mazar, but Parvana refused to go. So, her mom decided to leave Parvana with Mrs. Weera. She is very upset to see her family leave, but her work must go on.

One day when there was a storm, Parvana decided to stay late and got caught in a building. She fell asleep and woke up to a woman crying. Parvana took the woman home and found out some scary information. The woman's name was Homa and she was from Mazar. The Taliban had come to the city and attacked people's homes. This scared Parvana so much that Shauzia had to come and ask her to come back to work with her.

One day after work she sees two men carrying her father. Parvana was so happy that her father was alive. Her father liked Homa because she was able to speak English. Even though her father is back she goes back to work so that she can get food for her father. At work, Shauzia tells Parvana that her family is trying to marry her off. This makes Shauzia want to leave even more.

When Parvana gets home she finds out that people have fled Mazar. This gives her father the idea to leave to go to Mazar to get her family. She also finds out that Mrs. Weera is planing on leaving to go to Pakistan with Homa to work on the newspaper that Parvana's mom helped start.

A couple days before Parvana and her dad were about to leave, Parvana decides to say goodbye to an old friend. When she did her dad's job, there was a woman that gave her gifts. So to say goodbye she plants some wildflowers where she used to work to goodbye.

When Parvana was about to leave with her dad, Shauzia shows up to say goodbye. She gives Parvana apricots and says that we don't have to say goodbye. She tells her that in 20 years you can meet me at the Eiffel Tower in France. Shauzia doesn't know what is coming next, but she does know that she will find her family.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Chapter 11-13

When Parvana comes home after digging bones she feels so guilty, that she tells her mom. Her mom is very upset, but realizes it is the best thing for right now. After two weeks of bone digging Shauzia and Parvana have enough money to buy things to sell.

One day while they were walking around Kabul selling things, they saw a big crowd going into a stadium for a game. They both realized that the stadium would be great business. When they walked in to the stadium they realized that it wasn't a game, but an execution of prisoners. This really upset the girls especially Parvana. Her father was taken away as a prisoner, which made her wonder if she should be worrying about her father. Parvana decided to stay home for a couple days to think about this. When Parvana goes back to work, Shauzia tells her plan about leaving to go to France to get away from her family. This surprises Parvana, but not as much as the news that she gets when she comes home.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chapter 1-11 Summary

The Breadwinner is about an eleven year old girl named Parvana who lives in Afghanistan while the Taliban is in control. She has moved into a run down apartment in Kabul. One day while she is at home with her family, 4 Taliban soldiers come in and take Parvana's father away. This is awful because there are rules about going outside. You are not aloud to go outside without a man or a note from a man. Women must wear a chador when they go outside and they are not aloud to work. Now they are running out of food and money and there mother won't do anything but sleep. A couple days later,

Mrs. Weera comes over and turns everything around. She gets mama up and dressed and she gets everyone organized. Mrs. Weera is one of mama's friends and she used to be a gym teacher.That night mama and Mrs. Weera decide to dress Parvana up like a boy, that way they can get food and money. She is their only hope becuase she is the only one old enough and that can look like a boy. This is the beggining of her many adventures.

First of all as a boy she takes over her Dad's job. She enjoys being outside and doing her Dad's job. It gives her a whole new understanding about what it is boys have to do. One day she runs into Shauzia, a girl from school, who was also dressed as a boy. From then on they hang out with each other and become great friends.

Then Shauzia and Parvana come up with an idea to join together and sell things, but they don't have enough money. Shauzia suggests to Parvana to go bone digging. Parvana knows her mom will not like this, but she goes along with it. When she goes bone digging she digs up a lot of bones and makes a lot more money then she ever has.